Friday, July 31, 2009

What could happen if you are caught littering???

Posted in by Mina | Edit

Littering Infringement Fees 2009/10

Minor Littering
Infringement fee $100
Minor littering is defined as depositing in or on a public place or in or on private land without the consent of the occupier:
Cigarette butts; Wrappers/paper; Chewing gum; Small food waste; Take-away food/drink containers; Fish & chip papers; Plastic drink bottle(s); and Aluminium can(s).
NB: For cigarette butt littering, this is a two step enforcement process.
First step: Educate/warning – offender advised this is not acceptable.Second step: If a person is found depositing cigarette butt litter having already been warned, an infringement fee of $100 will be issued.

Medium Littering
Infringement fee $200

Medium littering is defined as depositing in or on a public place or in or on private land without the consent of the occupier:
Single used disposable nappy or nappies; Small dumping (e.g. shopping bags) - domestic/commercial waste in, or by, public litter bins; Small dumping in or by commercial waste bins/clothing bins/recycling stations; Persistent use of unofficial (non-council) refuse bags; and Small insecure load from truck or trailer.
NB: Small dumping defined as up to four shopping bags or two refuse bags or single items. Small insecure load is defined as paper, single item, grass clippings, dust that has come off a truck or trailer.

Major Littering

Infringement fee $400
Major littering is defined as depositing in or on a public place or in or on private land without the consent of the occupier:
Household waste; Commercial waste; Green waste; Car parts; or any other litter as defined in the Litter Act 1997 not defined as a minor or medium littering above.
NB: The Litter Act 1979 defines the depositing of glass or glass bottles (or broken glass or bottles) as a dangerous form of litter and thus considered by Council as a major littering offence. The decision whether to issue an infringement notice for major littering or to refer the matter to the District Court will be determined on a case by case basis, based on the severity and malicious intent of the alleged offence.


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